Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Image Consultants and Fashion Stylists!

I would like to clarify the difference between Image Consultants and Fashion Stylists. Both people are fortunate enough to work in the wonderful world of fashion - however they do have very different roles within that industry.

A Fashion Stylist is a person who's primary role is to display, and sell, clothing and garments. They are the clever people who put together fantastic Fashion Parades and Shows. They generally work with models who look great as "coat hangers" for clothing pieces. Fashion Stylists are employed by shopping centres to put toghther outfits featuring current fashion, then promote those "looks" to the general shopping public.

Image Consultants show off people, rather than clothing. When a person is successfully assisted by an Image Consultant, you see the person first not the piece of clothing. Image Consultants often take people shopping and can find very little - if anything - that really suits the client. Image Consultants promote less rather than more. Less pieces that really suit a person, rather than more things that just hang in the wardrobe.

I am a great ran of Fashion Stylists and thoroughly admire, and enjoy, their work. Image Consultants and Fashion Stylists both work in the Fashion Industry, doing two very different jobs.