Thursday, December 16, 2010

Well done UBS!

At last, a company that is prepared to make a stand on presentation and image!! UBS (Switzerland's biggest bank) has issued a 40+ page "dress code" for staff. This is great!! People are told exactly what to wear and how to wear it!

You only have to look around in the street to see how poorly people dress for work. It is not professional, it is not presenting the employer in a positive way and, in some cases, it is just sloppy.

"our style of dress reflects our mode of action" - this being the case, most of us must be fairly unsure of the companies with whom we are currently dealing!!! Most people in business need to be told how to dress.

Business people (regardless of the size of the company) want to impress, gain our confidence and consequently, our business. You would be forgiven for thinking this is not the case, when confronted by the appearance of some folk.

The dress code goes on to cover many, many more related topics and I say "good job". These documents come about because they are needed. If everyone at UBS dressed and behaved flawlessly, there would never have been a dress code written - however, if this document achieves excellent personal presenation and behavioral standards - it will be an absolute winner and something other companies should replicate!

One of the most highly searched topics in the Image Industry is Business Dressing - people not only need to know, they want to know how to dress correctly for business. UBS has provided leadership, instruction and easy to follow direction for their staff.

I would encourage other companies (large and small) to take a leaf from their book!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Stripes that work and stripes that don't!!

When it comes to clothing there are lots of patterns, prints and colours with which you can play. Some work really, really well and are consistently good! Others, sadly, do not.

Let's take stripes as an example. Vertical stripes make things (people included) appear taller. They are flattering - for most people. In fact, AFL footballers use vertical stripes to magnify their height, thus giving them a mental advantage over their opponents. Vertical stripes that fall in a straight line are flattering and give the illusion of extra height, which has the added benefit of making the person wearing them, appear slimmer.

However, should the vertical stripe curve, gape or wriggle - the flattering effect is lost. A top that is too tight across the bust or back, will make the fabric (and hence the stripes) wriggle and pull. Your stripes become curves - in all the wrong places! A skirt or trousers with vertical stripes must be worn over a flat stomach, slim thighs and a narrow backside. Otherwise, the stripes curve over the stomach, arch over the thighs and squiggle over the tail. Noticeable? Yes! Flattering? No.

Horizontal stripes can be wonderful, when worn on the smallest part of the body. I have yet to see anyone look realy, really good when wearing horizontal stripes below the waist!!
The gathered skirt that had white, grey and black horizontal stripes with lots of pleats at the top and shirt tucked into it (in a size 14+) that I saw this morning, was not flattering! The plain black vest did not help!

Now, had the skirt been in a plain fabric, the shirt in the horizontal print and the vest left at home - the whole look would have been much, much better.

Rugby League footballers use big horizontal stripes on their jumpers (or they used to) to maximise their size and intimidate the opposition.

Next time you are thinking about stripes - stop and really consider their purpose and placement on your body!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Strapless dressess DO NO SUIT everyone!!!!!

For some strange reason there seems to be a plethora of strapless dresses around, not just at the moment but for the past 3 - 4 years (or so it seems). They look great - on very few people. To wear one well you have to have - a perfect length neck, firm flesh on the upper part of your body, a good bust (to hold the thing up) and a great sense of balance!!

A perfect neck so that you do not start to resemble a giraffe - all neck that just goes on and on from the top of the dress!

Firm flesh - so that the dress clings in all the right places WITHOUT lots of extra flesh errupting from the top of the frock. On this note, even the most slim of ladies do not look great in strapless, when time has taken it's tole on your skintone. Age, sun and life tend to make skin less firm and "folds" of skin with age spots, is not a good look!

A good bust - too flat and the dress will fall down. Too full and there will be too much flesh to stay in the dress!!

A great sense of balance - to ensure that you don't trip and catch your foot in the hemline, thus removing the top half of the dress!!

MOST women look better with a sleeveless top, or straps that go over the shoulder. They are more flattering and provide support for fuller busts!!

If however, you do have the perfect body for the strapless dress - then "go for it". Make the most of your perfect features whilst you can!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Spots, Dots and Fashion Disasters

Spots and dots are fun to draw, great to colour in and nothing short of wrong when it comes to most people using them in clothing.
Any round shape makes you look more round!! ROUND ADDS POUNDS!!

A Spot is bigger than a Dot and they look great on a Twister mat, however, on most people they simply draw attention to the part of the body on which they have been put. Imagine if you will (and I saw this just this week) a woman of average height wearing a white background skirt that has quite a few large, brightly colour spots on it. Some on her stomach, some on her cheeks and even more on her hips and thighs. She was a mass of spots in bright colours that made you look at every single one of them!!! Of course, had this lady been super-model tall and slim, it would have looked a whole lot better. Particularly as she finished the ensemble with a bright, plunging (to her not insignificant bosom) and fluffy peasant style top. It created even more bulk on the top of her already speading silhouette.

Dots looked fantastic on Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman (remember the great dress in biscuit & cream that she wore to the races). Looked sensational on her. Great colours for her (she has warm toned skin, hair & eyes) terrific style of dress - she is tall (quite), slim (beautifully) and flab free! Sadly, most of the rest of us poor mortals are not!! Much as I hate to be the one who says this - we just don't look like her. Dots are only found in groups. Groups of dots gathered on your clothing make people stare at that part of you. Putting little round dots of colour on your bustline, hips, stomach or backside positively CALL OUT to be seen. Should you choose to use this type of feature, be aware that people will look at your dots.

Any feature on fabric demands attention. It makes you look at it. Be aware of the feature you choose and where you choose to place it.

Fahsion stylists use features to create fantastic looks - on mannequins. (tall, extremely slim mannequins). Image Consultants start with real people (curves, bumps, short, average, slim and not so), and are generally more wary of fabric/style features. We are very careful about where, and how, we use features.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Image Consultants and Fashion Stylists!

I would like to clarify the difference between Image Consultants and Fashion Stylists. Both people are fortunate enough to work in the wonderful world of fashion - however they do have very different roles within that industry.

A Fashion Stylist is a person who's primary role is to display, and sell, clothing and garments. They are the clever people who put together fantastic Fashion Parades and Shows. They generally work with models who look great as "coat hangers" for clothing pieces. Fashion Stylists are employed by shopping centres to put toghther outfits featuring current fashion, then promote those "looks" to the general shopping public.

Image Consultants show off people, rather than clothing. When a person is successfully assisted by an Image Consultant, you see the person first not the piece of clothing. Image Consultants often take people shopping and can find very little - if anything - that really suits the client. Image Consultants promote less rather than more. Less pieces that really suit a person, rather than more things that just hang in the wardrobe.

I am a great ran of Fashion Stylists and thoroughly admire, and enjoy, their work. Image Consultants and Fashion Stylists both work in the Fashion Industry, doing two very different jobs.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Spring has not Sprung - It is Springing and so are those capri pants!

Beware the Capri Pant!!

For some reason, ladies "of a certain age" keep choosing to wear/purchase capri pants. These fashion pieces (the pants, not the people) have multiple pockets, lots of detail (in all the wrong places) and finish between calf and ankle. The pockets tend to sit on the thighs and knees adding bulk and width to these areas. The "backside pockets" have lots of stitching and "noise" that adds volume to the afore mentioned backside and the length just does not flatter. The lower part of most women's legs is the part that first starts to show age i.e. veins, fluid and general tiredness! Draw a line right across that part of you and where else are we supposed to look?

Capri pants looked good in the 50's and then only on slim, young things - who frankly looked good in most things!

If you are a slim, young thing wear shorts, skirts or dresses. If the occasion, or your peronsality, call for pants - then wear long pants!

If you are not a slim, young thing - wear shorts (of an appropriate lenght), skirts or dresses. There is never the occasion that requires Capri Pants. If your personality insists on Capri Pants - put them on and (somehow) take a look at yourself from behind. Look all the way from the top of your head to your feet, then see where your eye is drawn - chances are it will be your tail, thighs or ankles. If any, or all, of these are you best features then set sail in you capris and enjoy.

Should that not be the case, remove said capris and find something else to where!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Fashion Parades are Fantasy!

I love a good Fashion Parade. I love seeing what is new and wonderful in the world of fashion and I love being shown what is now on sale for me! Woohoo! What I do not enjoy is being shown all the lovely new, shiny and wonderful stuff for me (oh really) - when it is displayed on tall, super thin, teenagers!

I am "of a certain age" and I believe that I am the target market of a lot of stores and retailers. I am also intelligent and informed. I can "google" these tall, thins creatures of youth and find out that they are the generation of my daughters! The clothes they are wearing are not for me, nor should they be. They wear shoes that are feats of engineering, make-up that is extreme and hair styles that should not be tried at home!

Today's Fashion Parades (now I sound like my Mother) are not forums to promote the sale of clothes to mortals - they are full-on fantasy productions that take days to choreograph, plan and perfect. They are more like "live' performances than sales pitchs and should be treated as such.

I am thinking of requesting popcorn, a choc top and jaffas for my next foray into the magical world of Fashion Parades!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Too Many Clothes!!!

I hate my clothes, I have too many clothes! This is something I hear every day and it is something that most women have in common. It doesn't matter how tall, short, thin, not-thin, old, young, rich or not-rich they are - it is the same mantra!

Lots of clothes (that they hate) and no, or very few, clothes (that they want to wear). The best way to sort out your clothes is to be honest, objective, not emotioinal and a bit brutal.
If you do not wear it - and are not likely too, then get rid of it. If you do wear it, then move it to the front of your wardrobe and give yourself some space.

We keep clothes for lots of reasons. Some of them are nostalgic (remember when that fitted! or when you wore it on a great date?) If something has real meaning, then keep it. I defy you to find real attachment to the thing that is hanging in the wardrobe with the tags still on it! You bought it and not only haven't worn it, you haven't even removed the price tag! It is a waste of closet space.

If you are holding out to fit back into it be realistic in your thoughts. Are you really going to get there? If so, great and look forward to the day. If not, move it along to a new and loving home! Someone else will benefit from your cleanout and you will be able to feel good about decluttering
Bottom line - no pun intended, but worthy of consideration - if you do not wear it, do not keep it!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What's in a size?

Size labels were designed by people wanting to do our heads in!! In my humnble opinion, that is. You have to have a fairly "thick skin" as my Mother used to say, to be able to cope with the "ups & downs" of trying to try on clothes.

I like to think that I have a fairly good idea about clothes and what I like. (as it should be for an Image Consultant, I hear you think) Anyway, there I was wading through miles and miles of clothing choices in a big name department store, when (using my 3 Step Elimination Process) I came upon not 1, but 2 things that ticked my 3 criteria. (right colour, right shape and right for me) Having found these 2 little gems, I proceeded to select the right size. Being somewhat "medium", a very nice lady found the medium in one top for me and informed me that is was indeed my lucky day. We will see, I thought! Then I found a medium in an English brand structuted shirt. (great cut and great colours for an Autumn like moi). In I went feeling fairly chipper about the whole exercise. You see, there has been and still is to an extent, a dearth of choices for us Autumns of late. However, I digress. There I was in the fitting room and low and behold if the red strips that had appeared "yellow red" in the store, seemed to become "blue red" in the different light. Always a problem when buying the colour red. I tried it on and it was OK. A bit loose, but in a good way. So, onto the second shirt. After slipping into in, there was a gap (yes, a gap!) of at least 2.5cm between the sides of the shirt at the front! it would not close! I was surprised, then mortified, then rather disappointed. I liked the shirt, but could no get my head around having to go to an XL to obtain comfortable fit. I am generally a 10 - 12, in lots & lots of other brands.
The first shirt, did not pass the natural light test, so suffice to say, I again left the store "parcel free".

I must say, I always believe in trying something before purchasing it. I just found the exercise particularly unnerving, when the size tags were so inconsistent. I accept that all brands have their own sizing, but this was too far off to be reasonable.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It's all about YOU!

Fashion is all about fashion, art, creativity and making money! Retail is all about making money by selling us stuff! Shopping is all about us spending money and buying stuff! Clothes are all about selling us an idea, providing a necessity or making us feel good/bad about our shape!
Image is all about YOU! How you look and feel is all about you expressing the real you, the true essence of you. Now before you start thinking that this is all a little "new age" and "out there" - think about it. Your clothes act as an introduction service to yourself. If you are a person who loves bright colours and textured fabrics, then by george that is what you should be wearing. If you absolutely love soft, floaty and totally romantic things - again, this is your style and ignore anyone who advises you to dress in another way.
By all means, find out which bright colours make you look sensational and which soft, floaty fabrics and styles best flatter you - but that is just detail. The overall look should be a statement of you. When you feel good in an outfit, you look great! When you look great, you can take on the world. (Hopefully this won't be necessary, but should it happen - then watch out world!) You will never feel great in an outfit, if you don't feel right! You might look great, but you have to feel it to get the entire experience.
Look at models (and who doesn't?) - they can look an absolte million dollars in something on a catwalk, but it is very rarely that you see those same "stunners" wearing those clothes in real life. Look great, sure; but feel right - maybe not.
The only time I concede the point is for bridemaids - although even then, I am not totally convinced. But, should your bride choose something that makes you look great, whilst feeling like a floral arrangement, then at least the photos will be wonderful! It is her day, after all. However, I still cringe at having to buy something I really didn't/don't like, just to keep a friend happy! (another whole bag of blogs in weddings!)
Be true to yourself, make use of the tools available from professionals (colour & style knowledge)and set forth and be wonderful. You are the only You that there is - don't just embrace it, celebrate it!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

BEWARE there are Sales!

Sale shopping can be exciting, enticing, entertaining and exhausting. It can also be downright dangerous - to your sanity, your self esteem, your image AND your wallet.
It is all about bargains. Finding one, catching one and then snaring one. A bargain is "a thing bought or offered for sale for a low price" So, using that definition, everyone can find (and buy) a bargain. However, is it a bargain if you a) do not need it, b) do not use it and c) it does not suit you? C is the big one. Nothing is worth the price - whatever the price, if it does not suit you.
The bright purple, extremely fashionable and "now", full length designer leather jacket that DID NOT work for you last week at the price of $$$$$$$ will still not work for you at the bargain price of $$$! The article has not changed, only the price tag!
It still has not passed the magical 3 Simple Steps Elimination Test. (3 Simple Steps of Successful Shopping - 1. does is work for YOUR colouring, 2. does it work for YOUR shape and 3. does it work for YOUR lifestyle.)
However, if the article in question gets a resounding Yes to all 3 elimination test questions - then grab it and run - do not dawdle - run to that customer service point, hand over the money and make that garment your own. It was meant to be!
The perfect garment that works for you (on every level) AND at a discount price. Now THIS is what successful sale shopping is all about. Go have that coffee and glance (only occasionaly, to stare and brag about your purchase would be mean to the other frustrated shoppers) at your perfect purchase in the carry bag. Smile (contentedly) and listen to your friends starting to question their shopping choices. Your shopping choice is perfect and they are already wondering if they have made good decisions.
Oh, it is great to be informed and able to source a REAL bargain.
Happy shopping!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Leggings (lyra/knit/cotton stretch) pants are comfy, cosy and wonderful - on some people. They are comfy, cosy and just plain mean on others! They look great under long shirts and jumpers - on some people. They show off backsides, thick thighs and bumps on LOTS of others!
Basically, they look great on people with smooth thighs - remember, they leave nothing to the imagination. The fabric that makes them so great, is the very thing that makes them mean to most ladies! This fabric clings to the skin. Now, should the skin be uneven and have some of the dreaded (wish I could type a drumroll) dimples or extra weight - guess what? The fabric still clings! It actually highlights the thighs - dimples and all!
If you choose to wear a long jumper or shirt to hide the dimples - in most cases the fabric of your outer garment will cling to the fabric of the leggings and draw attention to that spot. You are also drawing a horizontal line across your body where the jumper/shirt finishes - any horizontal line ADDS width. So, whilst trying to hide the thighs, you are drawing a line across and under them, thus adding width to them! I am sooo the bearer of good news!
If, however, you are blessed with smooth, weight free thighs (now is when we own up to the sin of envy) - then go forth and wear leggings with confidence.
The quickest and most honest way to check is simple. Run your hand down the outside of your (own) thigh and see if there are bumps or lumps - if they are there, leggings are not your friends!
If it is a smooth surface - go for it. Leggings are not only in fashion for you, they will really work well for, and on, you!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

AA - Age Appropriate Dressing

AA dressing. Not is it not meeting apparel - it is Age Appropriate! As we age, so should our style of dressing. No matter how slim, tall and downright gorgeous you are, there comes a time that skirts should be longer than they are wide! Stomachs should be covered (yes, even in swimsuits) and cleavage should be supported and concealed! Lycra is a wonderful, clingy fabric - sometines clingy is not good! The most toned and tanned skin - when is has been toned and tanned a number of years, is never going to be your best asset.

A great fit and toned figure will look even better in clothes that cover and flatter.

Very high shoes belong on the bottom of young legs. Legs with smooth skin and no obvious veins. Strappy shoes belong on well maintained feet, with manicured nails and smooth skin. Don't even think about the alternatives!

Ageing is compulsory, it is all about doing it with style and minimal exposed flesh!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Expensive is not always good!

Lots of people pay lots of money for a garment/accessory that is very expensive and believe (mistakenly) that it is going to work really well for them. The shape and colour of the purchase would be the same in a cheaper article - generally it is the quality of the fabric and the craftsmanship that incurs the extra cost. If the shape and colour do not suit you - it does not matter how much you spend on it, it will not work for you.

The people we all see in magazines, in the "OMG why are they wearing that" section are generally wearing expensive garments. The garment/article might be great, just not on that person. Also, most of the people in those sections are good looking, to say the least. It is just that the shape and colour of that particular choice is NOT complimentary to the person.

Having said that, the right shape and colour will work wonders for you. It is just a case of acquiring the knowledge, then honing it every time you shop. If this means you shop a number of times without purchasing - the so be it. When you do find exactly the right thing, it will be cause for celebration. And, you will look great!