Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Strapless dressess DO NO SUIT everyone!!!!!

For some strange reason there seems to be a plethora of strapless dresses around, not just at the moment but for the past 3 - 4 years (or so it seems). They look great - on very few people. To wear one well you have to have - a perfect length neck, firm flesh on the upper part of your body, a good bust (to hold the thing up) and a great sense of balance!!

A perfect neck so that you do not start to resemble a giraffe - all neck that just goes on and on from the top of the dress!

Firm flesh - so that the dress clings in all the right places WITHOUT lots of extra flesh errupting from the top of the frock. On this note, even the most slim of ladies do not look great in strapless, when time has taken it's tole on your skintone. Age, sun and life tend to make skin less firm and "folds" of skin with age spots, is not a good look!

A good bust - too flat and the dress will fall down. Too full and there will be too much flesh to stay in the dress!!

A great sense of balance - to ensure that you don't trip and catch your foot in the hemline, thus removing the top half of the dress!!

MOST women look better with a sleeveless top, or straps that go over the shoulder. They are more flattering and provide support for fuller busts!!

If however, you do have the perfect body for the strapless dress - then "go for it". Make the most of your perfect features whilst you can!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Spots, Dots and Fashion Disasters

Spots and dots are fun to draw, great to colour in and nothing short of wrong when it comes to most people using them in clothing.
Any round shape makes you look more round!! ROUND ADDS POUNDS!!

A Spot is bigger than a Dot and they look great on a Twister mat, however, on most people they simply draw attention to the part of the body on which they have been put. Imagine if you will (and I saw this just this week) a woman of average height wearing a white background skirt that has quite a few large, brightly colour spots on it. Some on her stomach, some on her cheeks and even more on her hips and thighs. She was a mass of spots in bright colours that made you look at every single one of them!!! Of course, had this lady been super-model tall and slim, it would have looked a whole lot better. Particularly as she finished the ensemble with a bright, plunging (to her not insignificant bosom) and fluffy peasant style top. It created even more bulk on the top of her already speading silhouette.

Dots looked fantastic on Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman (remember the great dress in biscuit & cream that she wore to the races). Looked sensational on her. Great colours for her (she has warm toned skin, hair & eyes) terrific style of dress - she is tall (quite), slim (beautifully) and flab free! Sadly, most of the rest of us poor mortals are not!! Much as I hate to be the one who says this - we just don't look like her. Dots are only found in groups. Groups of dots gathered on your clothing make people stare at that part of you. Putting little round dots of colour on your bustline, hips, stomach or backside positively CALL OUT to be seen. Should you choose to use this type of feature, be aware that people will look at your dots.

Any feature on fabric demands attention. It makes you look at it. Be aware of the feature you choose and where you choose to place it.

Fahsion stylists use features to create fantastic looks - on mannequins. (tall, extremely slim mannequins). Image Consultants start with real people (curves, bumps, short, average, slim and not so), and are generally more wary of fabric/style features. We are very careful about where, and how, we use features.