Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Too Many Clothes!!!

I hate my clothes, I have too many clothes! This is something I hear every day and it is something that most women have in common. It doesn't matter how tall, short, thin, not-thin, old, young, rich or not-rich they are - it is the same mantra!

Lots of clothes (that they hate) and no, or very few, clothes (that they want to wear). The best way to sort out your clothes is to be honest, objective, not emotioinal and a bit brutal.
If you do not wear it - and are not likely too, then get rid of it. If you do wear it, then move it to the front of your wardrobe and give yourself some space.

We keep clothes for lots of reasons. Some of them are nostalgic (remember when that fitted! or when you wore it on a great date?) If something has real meaning, then keep it. I defy you to find real attachment to the thing that is hanging in the wardrobe with the tags still on it! You bought it and not only haven't worn it, you haven't even removed the price tag! It is a waste of closet space.

If you are holding out to fit back into it be realistic in your thoughts. Are you really going to get there? If so, great and look forward to the day. If not, move it along to a new and loving home! Someone else will benefit from your cleanout and you will be able to feel good about decluttering
Bottom line - no pun intended, but worthy of consideration - if you do not wear it, do not keep it!

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